The ESLSCA DBA program follows the internationally established pattern where managers extend their knowledge through advanced management studies and application of these studies to their workplace situation. This includes the exploration of contemporary literature, theory and reports of best practice. Participants are then able to integrate the acquired knowledge in applied forms through a specific research project. Graduates from the program are expected to make a key contribution to practice, so program work will relate to decision-making, leadership, change and process management as well as research methodologies.
Typical doctoral students at ESLSCA attend part time. They are expected to come from successful careers occupying top positions in various sectors: private, public and nonprofit. They are expected to bring their experiences and knowledge to the classroom and in turn demand incisive instruction and intelligent, well-developed classroom discussions. Whereas a Ph.D. will develop academic researchers, this DBA will enable the participant to use research methods to define, implement and evaluate the strategies necessary for business. Furthermore and contrary to the prevailing belief that DBA does not allow its holder to pursue a career in teaching. The diversity and intensity of courses provided in this program equips DBA holders with the tools necessary for a better teaching performance, mainly at the undergraduate level.
Program Objectives
Advanced critical thinking in addition to conceptual and analytical skills.
Skills necessary for effective decision making in complex environments through integrating theoretical insights with practical knowledge.
A through knowledge of scientific and scholarly research methods and tools and their application in business settings.
Intensive knowledge of theory and practice in a selected field management.
An appreciation of cultural, ethical and global issues and their impact on business theory and practices.
The purpose of this module is to review and evaluate different theories, perspectives and developments that relate to understanding organizations, including both macro and micro theories, beginning with the classical engineering perspectives and moving to more contemporary post-modern approaches. This module also provides a balance between theoretical and conceptual clarification and practice by examining perspectives on leadership and management, and their location within Organization Theory (OT). It mainly focuses on the theory and practice of leading teams and departments effectively, strategically managing the interrelationships among teams and departments to create High Performance Working Systems (HPWS), and thoughtfully leading people and organizations in the context of diverse cultures. Focus areas include leadership development, and shared leadership. The learning organization and the relationship between leadership and facilitating learning within the organization are also examined.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Understand the modern Organization theories and their application to real-world business issues.
Critically review different theories on Organization Theory and consider strengths and weaknesses.
Understand the current trends and controversies in the Organization Theory (OT) area.
Examine the concepts and practices underlying the successful high performing organizations, particularly in a challenging global context.
Develop a critical understanding of key issues regarding organization development.
Analyze typical methods in the research on Organization Theory.
Present and communicate complex ideas in a classroom setting.
Identify research gaps and build theoretical frameworks that synthesize different
organization theory perspectives
Articulate a research agenda for future research based on analysis of current trends
Contemporary issues in Marketing Management [DBA701]
This module is designed to enhance the understanding of the role of the marketing dynamics in stimulating innovative decision making in order to be better prepared to meet the global challenges. Furthermore, it creates awareness of key functions and value added activities performed by the marketing manager. The module will emphasize the following key elements: market analysis; marketing planning; marketing research; product development; branding decisions; integrated marketing communication; distribution channels, and pricing strategies. It will also address issues related to service marketing, electronic marketing, strategic marketing models and implementation programs. Finally, contemporary trends and new developments in marketing will be covered.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
 Understand the marketing process and learn how to create a marketing plan using customer insight and competitor analysis including segmentation, targeting and positioning.
Sharpen students marketing skills in designing, organizing, executing and
evaluating marketing activities in this complex and constantly altering global
Emphasize applied marketing theories, technological tools, and decision-
making processes.
Explore today’s big marketing challenges including the impact of social media
on brand management, low-price competition and market commoditization.
Analyze the key strategic elements of the marketing process.
Develop a brand strategy and positioning, leading to the development and management of communication, pricing and distribution strategies including a focus on new, social media.
Explore the implications of serving multiple markets and of the emergence of new markets as opportunities for sales growth and as threats from new branded entrants into home markets.
Understand the advanced concepts and analysis with a strategic focus on developing marketing plans and programs for business and non-business opportunities.
Contemporary Issues in Finance & Investment [DBA702]
To engage in any business, three major decisions should be made. This module will present in details ways and means of answering the following questions:
(1) what long-term investments should the firm take on? (The Investment decision);
(2) how can funds be raised for the required investments? (The financing decision); and
(3) how much cash to return to the owners? (The dividend decision).
The module will discuss concepts, models and techniques necessary for making optimal decisions keeping in mind the main objective of the firm (and naturally the objective of the finance function). The goal is to maximize shareholder’s wealth by taking actions that increase the current market value per share of existing stock. This module will also emphasize the following issues: performance evaluation; cash flow and financial planning; risk and return; long-term investment decisions; long-term financial decisions; leverage and capital structure; short-term financial decisions; and finally some contemporary topics such as derivatives; mergers and business failure; international managerial finance; and Islamic finance.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of financial management concept, tools, and techniques.
Demonstrate a broad, critical and practical understanding of financial decision making theories and practices in the real world.
Understand the financial decision concepts and terminologies that are used in industry.
Examine strategies and techniques used to mitigate the impact of these risks on the business, including the role of strategy formulation and implementation and the development of effective risk control strategies, processes and structures
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used methods of investment evaluation
Read and understand a range of papers and articles related to decision and risk analysis
Differentiate between the various costs of capital and calculate these costs.
Recognize the significance of capital structure and examine its importance in
decision making
Recognize the impact of dividend policy as it applies to firms
Examine the way in which business make an assessment of optimal financial decisions.
Prepare students to function in a business environment, developing an awareness of the challenges, the tools, and the process of designing and implementing a risk management program.
Provide students with effective and efficient corporate risk management programs leads to knowledge and control of costs and an improved bottom line.
Develop analytical and integrative thinking in understanding and implementing the risk management practices;
Examine the impact of risk on the decision-making processes of organizations.
Business Research Methods module provides the theoretical and practical base for a business research project. It covers the fundamentals of the research proposal, literature review, and qualitative and quantitative methods. The ethical dimension of research will also be covered. The Module first emphasizes the research process and the importance of the literature review. It then focuses upon the appropriateness of specific research methods. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate different strategies and methods by identifying both the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative methods. Overall, this module equips students with the skills and expertise to develop and implement a business research project.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Explain scientific method as it relates to business research.
Acquire skills to locate problem areas in organizational settings, and plan, organize, design, and conduct research to help solve the identified problems.
Develop skills and knowledge to discriminate “good” from “bad” research
reported in business journals.
Conduct a focused review of the relevant literature and create appropriate
conceptual framework.
Engage in research environments critically appraising the research of others.
Evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of business research methods.
Develop relevant skills in descriptive statistics.
Plan a research design.
Outline the principles of hypothesis testing, and identify appropriate
analytical strategies to test specific hypotheses
Identify the methodological approaches that are suitable to investigate
different types of business research questions and hypotheses.
International Business and Global Strategy [DBA706]
Modern organizations confront an increasing array of choices regarding markets, locations for key activities, outsourcing and ownership modes, and organization and processes for managing across borders. Therefore, this module is designed to provide a deep understanding of international business practices and processes. It seeks to help students in developing attitudes and skills necessary for dealing with the international business arena. The main focus will be on the implementation of corporate international business strategy and policy for global success in large multinational companies and in small and medium sized enterprise The module covers the following: globalization of business; strategies (which include identifying market opportunity; entry modes and localization strategies); international firm; organizing and control (which includes performance measurement); international competitiveness; political risk; international operations; international functional strategies which include marketing, finance, and human capital.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Gain an understanding of the strategic international business and management strategies taken by firms.
Evaluate the strategic choices with which international business manager’s face in the international environment.
Apply international business strategy concepts to the challenges that managers face in the domestic and global business arena.
Identify and explain the key international business strategy concepts that specifically relate large Multi-National Enterprise (MNE) organizational strategy.
Identify and explain the key international business strategy concepts that specifically relate the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) firm strategy.
Identify and appraise that environmental conditions and performance of
particular business in industries where MNEs and SMEs exist.
Use the conceptual tools necessary to understand and work effectively in today's
interconnected world.
Highlight the foundations for taking effective action in the multi-layered world of
international business.
Use different frameworks for identifying and taking advantage of the
opportunities presented in a dynamic global environment at the level of the country and industry.
The Strategic Human Resource Management module provides students with a critical understanding of the theories, principles, historical trends, current issues and practices relevant to human resource management strategy in organizations. This will support the development of subject specific and key transferable skills necessary for employment in roles which require the effective management of both human and knowledge capital within the organization, therefore extending beyond purely human resource management roles. By exploring the shifting of roles from process manager or administrator to strategic business advisor and partner, students will understand the unique strategic positioning of contemporary human resource management and the subsequent demands placed on professionals working in this area. The module will serve as an intellectual platform to proceed to further modules of study.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Discuss this intersection between Strategic Management and HRM, what we know, and future directions for SHRM research.
Discuss the concept of strategy and the popularization of the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm.
Examine the current state of affairs in SHRM; the progress made, and key questions and concerns occupying the attention of SHRM researchers.
Apply theories and concepts relevant to strategic human resource management in contemporary organizations.
Understand how human resource management strategy is developed in response to internal and external environmental factors.
Understand the relationship between human resource management strategy and organizational performance.
Evaluate the impact of human resource management strategies, concepts and values upon the organization’s success.
Understand a range of human resource management activities (e.g. recruitment, selection and assessment, succession planning, performance management, reward management, talent development, disciplinary, etc.)
Information and Intelligence for Competitiveness [DBA708]
This module is designed explore the meaning and implications of Competitive Intelligence (CI) for modern organizations. Competitive Intelligence has undergone a raising interest in recent years as a result of the information explosion and the sharpness of information technologies. Competitive Intelligence deals with the collection, selection and interpretation of publicly-held information that emphasize competitor’s position, performance, capabilities and intentions. Competitive intelligence is also the analytical process that transforms scattered information about competitors and customers into relevant, accurate and usable strategic knowledge on market evolution, business opportunities and threats. This module also focuses on exploring methods of using public sources to locate and develop information on competition and competitors, information later used as references, benchmarks or any other basis for strategic analysis.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Introduce the student to the newly established concept of Competitive Intelligence.
Define the detailed procedures that are used to systematically and ethically gather, analyze and manage external and technical information for use in making tactical and strategic business decisions.
Present the basic concepts and theories needed to understand, anticipate, acquire, and use information for attaining a competitive edge.
Analyze the current information about the environment that is needed in the analysis process to make reference to as industry benchmarks or just as direct competitors performance levels to compare against.
Provide students with a balanced view of management and technology. Candidates will learn how to apply information technologies (IT) and information systems (IS) to solve critical business problems in the real world.
For students with well-defined goals and motivation, independent study provides a way to earn academic credit while pursuing a topic or project of particular interest that is not offered as an organized class. This module (I & II) is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain and enhance specific and specialized knowledge and to explore an area of interest related to his/her research field.
The subject of an independent study may arise from a student's own experience and interests or may derive from a class. In some cases, the independent study will involve frequent and regular meetings; in others, the student may meet with the faculty supervisor only a few times during the semester. A course of independent study might comprise a research topic culminating in one or several papers, a series of readings accompanied by short papers or an annotated bibliography, artistic explorations in the visual arts or creative writing, or other academically appropriate activities.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Gain an increased understanding of the dissertation writing process by review and evaluation of completed dissertation examples.
Expand current knowledge in a specific area of interest.
Remediate deficient areas of knowledge, behavior, or skills.
Develop or enhance skills in analyzing, synthesizing, and integrating related
information or experiences related to his/her area of specialization.
Develop or enhance skills in project identification, development, management,
Compose and submit an advanced dissertation topic statement, a well-developed description of the significance of their proposed research and dissertation topic.
Develop the skills and knowledge required to undertake the data analysis and presentation elements of the doctoral thesis.
Explore the fields of research design, research proposal development and the conduct of research projects as applied to students’ dissertation topic.
Apply their theoretical and methodological understanding and skills into devising researchable ideas and specific research questions and hypotheses.
Develop advanced skills and knowledge of writing academic papers.
Design a conceptual framework, research design and data analysis plan as
students pertain to their dissertation topic.
Identify a tested and appropriate instrument for research.
Describe statement of the limitations and significance of a study.
Prepare students to write and defend their Dissertation Proposal.
Describe a review of the literature, in the area of student’s study, which builds a
Building on principles of Business Research Methods I, this module is designed to extend and deepen the understanding of different research approaches and methodologies in order to prepare students for their own dissertation project in their business discipline. This module will also assist students in identifying, discussing and formulating research problem, in selecting and applying appropriate research approaches and methods of inquiry, and in presenting their results. Successful completion of this course should be sufficient for students to undertake a research project. Finally, the following topics will be covered throughout the module: research design, data collection methods, measurements, sampling, hypotheses testing, and presenting insights and findings. Emphasis will be placed on how to finalize and present a report covering the result and recommendations of the research.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Critically evaluate the quality of the methodological approaches presented in published studies featuring the methods covered in the course.
Select an appropriate research design for the doctoral research.
Choose a sample from a population or a relevant qualitative research
Identify the sources from which to collect the data.
Describe the procedures for collecting their data for the study.
Get familiar with the use of statistical analysis and computer programs.
Conduct statistical inference and use quantitative techniques.
Interpret the meaning of the most important statistical indicators
featured in quantitative analyses such as regression, factor analysis and
structural equation modeling.
Write and present research a research proposal as a possible basis for
their dissertation project.
Report and communicate analytical findings and recommendations in a
The success of any organization is dependent upon its ability to manage change effectively and handle crises while also creating value for its stakeholders. Therefore, this module prepares students to lead change initiatives within a variety of organizational settings, encouraging them to analyze and evaluate several models for change management, and to consider their application in practice. Students will also apply coaching skills to create interactive dialogue and deeper understanding, and will be able to analyze the role of leadership in crisis situations. An important feature of this module is that sessions will consider both the content of existing studies and the way these were designed and implemented.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Gain knowledge and understanding of key issues relating to organizational change.
Identify the behavior that individuals, teams and organizations exhibit during change.
Assess change in the workplace.
Explore the purpose and responsibilities of the roles typically associated with
change management.
Investigate the approaches to organizational change.
Understand the concept of leadership and the different behaviors and skills
associated with the leadership of change.
Understand and apply models for change management and to develop the ability
to lead teams and organizations through disruptive change.
Evaluate how different organizations have dealt with crises using real life case
Create and implement a plan for change in an organization.
Identify and deal with the various stages of transition.
Accounting Information for Business Decisions [DBA707]
This module is aimed at developing students’ skills to understand, evaluate and use financial information by managers and external stockholders. The use of accounting
information for planning and control is emphasized. The module will be founded on relevant international accounting standards rather than individual country practices. Many topics will be covered such as: advanced conceptual basic for accounting financial analysis; costs and their classification; cost behavior; volume profit analysis; planning and control (designing, implementing and operating an effective control system for different organizational contexts); control through variance analysis and the decision making process using accounting information. In addition, the role of accounting information and systems to support decision making, control and monitoring in organizations will be discussed and reviewed.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Create awareness of the importance of accounting information to the organization and its providers of capital and understand its communicative value.
Assesses investment opportunities using capital budgeting techniques and compares and evaluates alternative funding sources.
Examines general purpose financial statements and the analysis and interpretation of accounting information.
Explain and apply cost behavior patterns to quantitative modelling techniques such cost-volume-profit analyses; budgeting and basic costing.
Understand the basics of reading a set of financial statements of a business and show the impact of accounting events on the financial statements.
Interpret financial statements with an awareness of context while recognizing the limitations of such analyses.
Show how the time value of money and risk are incorporated into long-term decision making and perform capital budgeting techniques.
For students with well-defined goals and motivation, independent study provides a way to earn academic credit while pursuing a topic or project of particular interest that is not offered as an organized class. This module (I & II) is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain and enhance specific and specialized knowledge and to explore an area of interest related to his/her research field.
The subject of an independent study may arise from a student's own experience and interests or may derive from a class. In some cases, the independent study will involve frequent and regular meetings; in others, the student may meet with the faculty supervisor only a few times during the semester. A course of independent study might comprise a research topic culminating in one or several papers, a series of readings accompanied by short papers or an annotated bibliography, artistic explorations in the visual arts or creative writing, or other academically appropriate activities.
Upon the completion of this module, students will be able to:
Gain an increased understanding of the dissertation writing process by review and evaluation of completed dissertation examples.
Expand current knowledge in a specific area of interest.
Remediate deficient areas of knowledge, behavior, or skills.
Develop or enhance skills in analyzing, synthesizing, and integrating related
information or experiences related to his/her area of specialization.
Develop or enhance skills in project identification, development, management,
Compose and submit an advanced dissertation topic statement, a well-developed description of the significance of their proposed research and dissertation topic.
Develop the skills and knowledge required to undertake the data analysis and presentation elements of the doctoral thesis.
Explore the fields of research design, research proposal development and the conduct of research projects as applied to students’ dissertation topic.
Apply their theoretical and methodological understanding and skills into devising researchable ideas and specific research questions and hypotheses.
Develop advanced skills and knowledge of writing academic papers.
Design a conceptual framework, research design and data analysis plan as
students pertain to their dissertation topic.
Identify a tested and appropriate instrument for research.
Describe statement of the limitations and significance of a study.
Prepare students to write and defend their Dissertation Proposal.
Describe a review of the literature, in the area of student’s study, which builds a
Alongside the core modules, each student must write a proposal reflecting on their development as doctoral practitioners and researchers. This proposal helps students to create doctoral-level professional knowledge and develop the critical thinking skills needed for leading businesses and organizations in the midst of ambiguity. Students complete their qualification with an original thesis based on a critical project undertaken in their organization. Unlike a thesis for Ph.D. research, this thesis is designed to produce new, actionable knowledge for immediate use.
Progress to this stage is dependent upon satisfactory completion of the study modules. During this stage, students will receive supervisory support from ESLSCA faculty members as well as external faculty member when needed. To prepare an acceptable, doable dissertation proposal, students must draw creatively and critically upon their academic studies to develop and apply a specific piece of research to an organizational and/or professional discipline setting. In addition to incorporating the usual doctorate level critical literature and methodological review, a student’s thesis should examine, evaluate and make recommendations relating to current and possible future professional practice. In addition, it should demonstrate a contribution to the development of new knowledge within the appropriate professional field.
In writing a doctoral thesis, students must show the crucial link between the previous taught content and the practicalities of doctoral research, they should be ready for crafting a doctoral thesis and defend it. Students are also required to stay in touch with supervisory teams, who aid them in synthesizing knowledge from previous modules, help them select appropriate material from previous assessments to act as a basis for their doctoral thesis, assist in identifying future research needs in the short, medium and long term, and, support them whilst you prepare a research plan.
Program Requirements
1.The course will be offered as modules. Each module includes two courses. Eight classes will be held on a bi-weekly basis.The student has to pass all courses (12 courses) with a minimum GPA of 3.3 before starting the third phase (dissertation).
2.In phase three the student will receive the full 12 credits after submitting the dissertation and passing the defense. No partial credits are received before this date. 3. Students who fulfill all the course requirements but fail to complete the dissertation might be granted a Master of Science degree in Management (MSc) pending upon the discretion of ESLSCA’s Academic Committee.